
We are one of the best corporate training company in Vadodara, Gujarat.

We are expert in Inbound and outbound pieces of training.

We are a team of energetic, experienced, and professional trainers mastered in areas like enhancing IQ, EQ, improving conditions, utilizing Alpha & Theta level of Brain, world skills, and image management.

According to Harvard Business School:

Your technical skill contributes only 15% to your success!

What is responsible for balance 85%? The answer is Soft Skills.

Stanford Research Institute says the share of our technical & interpersonal skills in our success is:

Technical Skills:   12.5%

Interpersonal Skills:   87.5%

It’s so because technical skills only determine how well you do our job; But; Soft skills determine how far we will go in your life! (Both professionally & personally). How much importance do you place on learning soft skills; & where is your emphasis? Developing Technical Skills; Or Developing Interpersonal skills; Or Both?

Unfortunately; for most of us the answer is NONE!

The need for giving emphasis on the soft Skill Development, especially for the technical staff, skilled and unskilled manpower has been highlighted in various forums. Unfortunately, our country’s current education system does not give any emphasis on the development of soft skills.

As a result, most of the educated unemployed youths are found wanting in this area, which is becoming their Achilles heel.

The current curriculum process followed in most schools encourages the building of soft skills through group assignments, presentations, etc. – it is not enough to nurture and hone one’s soft skills.

The onus is now on Employers to actively take this up, right from the recruitment, to incorporating soft skills in their On the Job Training and Class room training.

After all, it’s “IQ gets you hired but EQ gets you promoted”.

However, an employee needs to develop these skills to succeed in their careers and lives. People with high crystallized intelligence are good observers, learners and tolerant towards ambiguity.

They add on to their experiences and learning with each passing day and implement them in career and real-life situations. This helps them in broadening their horizon and hence getting promoted.

Most professionals will agree that the success or failure of a project largely depends on the quality of their interactions with their teams and customers rather than just their knowledge and technical skills.

Employers should, therefore, look beyond rote learning, theoretical knowledge and encourage employees to work more on their core skills to become a well-rounded person.

To help employers, Institutions and community leaders understand and strengthen these critical competencies in the young people they care about and serve, YAP Concepts has created an exciting new presentation and workshop: Building Soft skills through Developmental Relationships. These workshops engage participants in thinking, talking, and ultimately acting on it in daily life.


When you cultivate young people’s commitment and skills as leaders, you not only prepare them to be 21st Century leaders, but you also tap their energy and imagination to solve problems and create positive change in their working environment and organizations. This hands-on workshop gives middle and high-level management in your organization, or network an opportunity to


This will ultimately benefit all the stake holders, namely the individuals, industry, Government and the economy by way of providing employment, increasing the output/productivity and ultimately resulting in a higher level of growth for the nation.

To know more about the packages and workshops that YAP experts can deliver and facilitate please contact Kishor Dubey at 93277 68686 or and a member of YAP staff will contact you.