DMIT introduces you for the first time in indian history, a new science that is dermatoglyphics intelligence test i.e. Dmit. Now a revolutionary dmit system can find their inborn intelligences & their best learning style now a revolutionary dmit system can find their inborn intelligence & their best learning style too many parents force their own will on their child because they don’t really understand the child’s potential many of us never wanted to be engineer or doctor or mba, we had different plans we had different talents which we recognized, but our parents didn’t but let’s not do the same injustice to our children, let us give them a better, happy & stress free future, let’s make their life beautiful choose a career for them according to their intelligence & not as per your liking.

Need of DMIT Test for Children

Need of DMIT for Individuals

Need of DMIT for Corporate

DMIT Test In Vadodara